Penyuluhan Kebiasaan Mencuci Tangan yang Baik dan Benar pada siswa PAUD Dharma Wanita Kota Bengkulu


  • Rismayani Rismayani Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Sapta Bakti Bengkulu
  • Dita Selvianti Dita Stikes Sapta Bakti
  • Mutari Yulike Putri Program Studi DIII Kebidanan, STIKes Sapta Bakti


handwashing; soap; PAUD Dharma Wanita.


The habit of washing hands is part of health care and efforts to prevent various disease. The habit of washing hands with soap needs to be instilled from an early age. The purpose of this community service program is to improve the ability to wash hands properly and correctly using soap, increase student motivation in washing hands, improve the habit of washing students hands. This community service program the place for community service is PAUD Dharma Wanita, the implementation of community service was carried out in October 2016, in general the results of this community service program run smoothy, conducive and according to procedures. The conclusion of this community service program are the increased ability to wash hands with use soap for the Dharma Wanita PAUD students, increase in the habit of washing hands of the Dharma Wanita PAUD students.




How to Cite

Rismayani, R., Dita, D. S., & Putri, M. Y. . (2022). Penyuluhan Kebiasaan Mencuci Tangan yang Baik dan Benar pada siswa PAUD Dharma Wanita Kota Bengkulu. JURNAL SAPTA MENGABDI, 2(1), 19-23. Retrieved from