Edukasi Kesehatan tentang Anemia pada Remaja di SMKN 7 Kolaka
Health Education, Anemia, AdolescentsAbstract
Anemia is a serious global health problem that can affect children, adolescents who are menstruating, pregnant and postpartum women. The prevalence of anemia in Indonesia in adolescents is 32%, meaning that 3-4 out of 10 adolescents suffer from anemia and there are 84.6% of adolescent women (15-24 years) who experience anemia. High school students are included in the stages of adolescence that are susceptible to anemia. One of the high schools in Kolaka Regency as a location for community service activities is SMKN 7 Kolaka. Health education as a form of community service activity using leaflet media. This activity went well and smoothly as shown by the enthusiasm of the participants in listening to material about anemia so that it is hoped that participants can understand the symptoms and effects of anemia and can be encouraged to regularly take iron tablets (TTD).