
  • Juanda Syafitasari Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Sapta Bakti
  • Poppy Siska Putri Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Sapta Bakti Bengkulu, Indonesia
  • Entan Afriannisyah Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Sapta Bakti Bengkulu, Indonesia
  • Dimas Dewa Darma Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Sapta Bakti Bengkulu, Indonesia



Stunting, Young Women, and the ACA Community


Adolescence is a transition from childhood to adulthood marked by many changes, namely biological, cognitive and emotional. According to WHO, anemia is the biggest nutritional problem in adolescents which can have a negative impact on performance and cognitive growth. (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, 2021). According to WHO, the prevalence of anemia in women in Indonesia is 23.9%, which is divided into the prevalence of anemia in women aged 5-14 years of 26.4% and 15-25 years of age of 18.4%. Adolescent girls are ten times more likely to suffer from anemia than young women. This service activity aims to provide education on understanding anemia, provide education on preventing anemia by changing lifestyle and snack patterns and provide education on treating anemia in adolescents. Anemia in young women will have an impact on pregnancy, resulting in babies being born who have the potential to experience stunting. Stunting is a condition where a toddler has a nutritional status where if the length or height is measured according to the toddler's age, the z-score value is < -2SD based on the standard standards of the World Health Organization-Multicentre Growth Reference Study (WHO-MGRS) in 2005. Stunting describes a nutritional problem that serious and influenced by the condition of the mother/to-be, the fetus and the toddler years, including illnesses suffered during the toddler years (Ministry of Health, 2016).


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How to Cite

Syafitasari, J., Poppy Siska Putri, Entan Afriannisyah, & Dimas Dewa Darma. (2024). PENCEGAHAN STUNTING MELALUI KOMUNITAS ACA ( AYO CEGAH ANEMIA ) PADA REMAJA PUTRI. JURNAL SAPTA MENGABDI, 4(1), 23-26.

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