
  • Mardiyansyah Bahar Prodi Teknologi Laboratorium Medis, Akademi Analis Kesehatan Harapan Bangsa, Kota Bengkulu
  • Yurman Yurman Prodi Teknologi Laboratorium Medis, Akademi Analis Kesehatan Harapan Bangsa, Kota Bengkulu
  • Hepiyansori Prodi Teknologi Laboratorium Medis, Akademi Analis Kesehatan Harapan Bangsa, Kota Bengkulu
  • Inayah Hayati Prodi Teknologi Laboratorium Medis, Akademi Analis Kesehatan Harapan Bangsa, Kota Bengkulu
  • Inayah Hayati Prodi Teknologi Laboratorium Medis, Akademi Analis Kesehatan Harapan Bangsa, Kota Bengkulu
  • Lilis Suryani Prodi Teknologi Laboratorium Medis, Akademi Analis Kesehatan Harapan Bangsa, Kota Bengkulu
  • Septi Puspitasari Prodi Teknologi Laboratorium Medis, Akademi Analis Kesehatan Harapan Bangsa, Kota Bengkulu
  • Revilia Juniarti Prodi Teknologi Laboratorium Medis, Akademi Analis Kesehatan Harapan Bangsa, Kota Bengkulu
  • Bima Putera Dewa Prodi Teknologi Laboratorium Medis, Akademi Analis Kesehatan Harapan Bangsa, Kota Bengkulu



Keywords: Media posters, Orphanages, Blood type examinations, Blood type examination counseling


Blood type is determined by the presence of Antigens located on the surface of erythrocyte cells. The ABO system blood type test that is most often used is the slide method. The importance of knowing an individual's blood type is related to clinical purposes, such as when an incident occurs that causes the individual to need blood by performing a blood transfusion. This Community Service activity aims to increase understanding and knowledge about the importance of blood for the body, and blood type examination. Method of activity: carried out on March 22, 2024. There were 25 participants. Activities are carried out with the stage of counseling and blood type examination. The results obtained from questions and answers and direct observations of participants of the orphanage children were enthusiastic to carry out blood type examinations. The results of the percentage of blood type examination vary with the following percentages, A + by 16%, blood type B + by 44%, blood type AB + by 16% and blood type O + by 24%.



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How to Cite

Bahar, M., Yurman, Y., Hepiyansori, Hayati, I. ., Hayati, I. ., Lilis Suryani, Septi Puspitasari, Revilia Juniarti, & Bima Putera Dewa. (2024). PENYULUHAN PENTINGNYA MANFAAT PEMERIKSAAN GOLONGAN DARAH DI PANTI ASUHAN BINTANG TERAMPIL KOTA BENGKULU. JURNAL SAPTA MENGABDI, 4(1), 1-4.

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