About the Journal

Jurnal Kebidanan Besurek is a journal which provides a forum for publishing the scientific works of midwifery practitioners, academics, and researchers. The journal is published regularly in Juni and December every year.

Besurek midwifery journal is a journal that provides scientific writings to exchange ideas about theory, methodology and innovation related to the world of health, especially the scope of Midwifery which is written and contains express benefits for readers.


JURNAL KEBIDANAN BESUREK is a national midwifery journal which publishes scientific works of midwifery practitioners, academics, and researchers. Welcomes and invites original research article in midwifery, including : Birth, Pregnancy, Newborn, Adolescence, Family Planning, Climacterium, Midwifery Community, Education in midwifery, complementary therapy in midwifery

P-ISSN 2527-3698 | E-ISSN 2621-4393

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Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): DESEMBER
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Jurnal kebidanan Besurek merupakan jurnal yang menyediakan tulisan ilmiah untuk bertukar gagasan tentang teori, metodelogi dan inovasi berhubungan dengan dunia kesehatan khususnya lingkup Kebidanan yang tertulis dan mengandung manfaat tersurat untuk pembaca